Nama Sekolah : SMA
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa
Kelas/Semester : XI/1
Keterampilan Bhs : Reading
Genre : Analytical Exposition
Tema/Topik :
Crimes in Big Cities
Pertemuan ke- : 3
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)
I. Standar Kompetensi
Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan
esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
II. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam
esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam
teks berbentuk: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition
III. Indikator
Setelah menyelesaikan pelajaran membaca
jenis teks analytical exposition ini,
peserta didik diharapkan mampu:
1. menunjukkan
gagasan utama (main idea) teks
2. menentukan
tujuan teks atau tujuan penulis;
3. menyebutkan
informasi rinci dalam teks, baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat;
4. menjelaskan
makna kata atau ungkapan tertentu dalam teks eksposisi;
5. menjelaskan
rujukan (reference) yang ada dalam
teks eksposisi;
IV. Materi Ajar
Terlampir (lampiran 1)
V. Metode Pembelajaran
Inquiry-Based Teaching (IBT)
VI. Prosedur Pembelajaran
1. Memberi salam
2. Berdoa (optional)
3. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
4. Mereview palajaran sebelumnya
5. Mengetengahkan topik pelajaran
6. Menjelaskan tujuan pelajaran
7. Menjelaskan manfaat pelajaran
B.Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Guru
Kegiatan Siswa
1. Mengajukan beberapa
pertanyaan yang mengarah pada topik bahasan, seperti What do you know about crime? Do you see crimes more frequently in big
cities or in villages?
2. Menyampaikan kepada siswa
bahwa mereka akan membaca sebuah teks dengan judul crime in big cities, kemudian meminta siswa untuk menebak
informasi yang akan dijumpai dalam teks.
3. Mendistribusikan teks dan
meminta siswa untuk mengecek apakah dugaan mereka tadi benar.
1. Menjawab pertanyaan guru
sesuai dengan persepsi dan pengalaman masing-masing.
2. Menuliskan beberapa
informasi yang diharapkan muncul dalam topik crime in big cities.
3. membaca teks secara
cepat dan mengecek kebenaran dugaan mereka ttg isi teks.
1. Meminta kelas membentuk
beberapa kelompok kecil, lalu mendistribusikan lembaran tugas yang terkait
dengan pemahaman isi bacaan.
2. Meminta siswa mendiskusikan
dengan teman sekelompok tugas-tugas yang telah diterimanya.
3. Meminta masing-masing
kelompok melaporkan hasil diskusinya.
4. Meminta siswa dari kelompok
lain untuk memberi tanggapan (pertanyaan, sanggahan, saran, dll) atas
presentasi tersebut (butir 3).
5. Meminta kelompok penyaji
untuk memberikan tanggapan balik dari kelompok lain.
1. Kelas membentuk
kelompok-kelompok kecil yang beranggotakan 3 sampai 5 orang.
2. Masing-masing kelompok
mendiskusikan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru berkenaan dengan makna isi bacaan.
3. Setelah diskusi kelompok
selesai, masing2 kelompok mempresentasikan hasilnya.
4. Siswa dari kelompok lain
memberi tanggapan atas presentasi suatu kelompok.
5. Kelompok penyaji memberi
tanggapan balik kepada para penanggap.
1. Memberikan penilaian
terhadap hasil diskusi kelompok dan diskusi kelas.
2. Memberi penjelasan lebih
lanjut kepada para siswa berkenaan dengan jawaban atas tugas-tugas tersebut.
1. Menyimak penilaian guru atas
kinerja mereka, dan memberikan tanggapan seperlunya.
2. Memperhatikan penjelasan
guru, dan memberikan tanggapan bila dianggap perlu.
1. Meringkas pelajaran
2. Melakukan refleksi
3. Menyiapkan pelajaran yang akan datang
4. Memberi salam penutup
VII. Media Pembelajaran
projector, screen, dan laptop
singkat tentang kehidupan di kota besar dan di desa.
VIII. Sumber Belajar
Sudarwati, Th., M. dan Grace, Eudia. 2005.
Look Ahead: An English Course. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
IX. Penilaian
Penilaian : sumatif
Penilaian : tertulis, objektif,
pilihan ganda
penilaian : terlampir (lampiran 2)
jawawan : terlampir (lampiran 2)
5. Rubrik Penilaian : terlampir (lampiran 2)
18 Juni 2012
Kepala Sekolah, Guru
Mata Pelajaran,
Read the following text carefully.
Crime is a serious problem in big cities and it is getting worse every
year. The subways are more dangerous. The streets are more dangerous. You may
not even be safe in your own home.
There may not be a single answer. Many problems seem to make cities so
dangerous. One of the problems is
money. To fight crime, a city needs police officers, cars and guns. These cost a lot of money but right now cities do
not have much extra money. So, there are not enough police officers, cars and
guns for cities.
Another problem is drugs. Crime studies show that many criminals use
and sell drugs. After they start taking drugs, they want to have more. However,
drugs are very expensive. So, these people may sell drugs to other people to
make money or they may steal money to get more drugs.
There is an even more important cause of crime. Cities have rich and
poor neighbourhoods. In the poor
neighbourhoods, jobs are hard to find. Many young people don’t have much hope
for a better life. They only know one way to make a better living for
themselves. That way is to sell drugs or steal. So, some of these young people
become criminals.
B. Exercises
Task 1
1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. What is meant by a serious problem in
big cities in the first paragraph?
3. What are the causes of the crime in big cities?
Task 2
What do the following words refer to in the text?
1. it (sentence 1 paragraph 1)
2. these (sentence 5 paragraph 2)
3. they (sentence 3 paragraph 3)
Task 3
Fill in the
blanks with appropriate words or expressions:
- then
- easy
- also
- first
- must
It is not going to be (1)
… to change these crime problems. We must (2) … change many of the laws about drugs. We (3) … change the way cities spend their
money. Until (4) …, the crime
problems will not go away and we will live our life in fear.
C. The Expected Answers and Explanation
Task 1
The main idea of the text is Crime and its cause.
idea is an idea that is being discussed in the text. Main idea of this text can
be found by reading the whole text. The first paragraph is talking about crime.
While the second, third, and fourth paragraph is talking about its causes.
Consequently, we can infer that this text is about “Crime and its causes”
The serious problem in big cities in the first
paragraph is citizen do not feel safe even in their own home.
serious problem can be found in the first paragraph. The writer shows several
problems face by the citizens, such as; the subways are more dangerous, the streets
are more dangerous, and we may not
even be safe in your own home. The
key word of this problem is not safe in
several places, even in our home.
The causes of the crime in big cities are money, drugs
and the different social status (rich and poor neighborhoods).
causes of the crime in big cities are clearly stated in the second, third and
fourth paragraph.
the second paragraph the writer describe money as one causes of crime. Then, in
the third paragraph the writer explain other causes of crime, that is drugs.
Next, the last cause is stated in the fourth paragraph, that is different
social status such as rich and poor neighborhoods.
Task 2
Task 2 is talking about reference. In this case “reference” in called
anaphoric, meaning that it refers to pronoun that is stated previously.
The word “it” in sentence 1 paragraph 1 refers to Crime
Crime is a serious problem in big
cities and it is getting worse every
The word “these” in sentence 5 paragraph 2 refers to police officers, cars and guns.
fight crime, a city needs police
officers, cars and guns. These
cost a lot of money but right now cities do not have much extra money.
The word “ they” in sentence 3 paragraph 3 refers to criminals.
studies show that many criminals use
and sell drugs. After they start
taking drugs, they want to have more.
Task 3
Explanation: For cloze text, try to analyze the words located before and
after the blank. Before the blank there is “be”. “Be” is followed by adjective,
noun, adverb, verb-ing, or verb 3. So, the answer should be “Easy”. In
addition, an adjective is usually followed by “to infinitive”.
Explanation: after the word “must”, there must be the first form either
verb 1 or be. However, in this case, after the blank there is already a verb 1.
It means that there is no need to put a
verb anymore. The options are a determiner or a conjunction. “Also” and “then”
cannot be used since they indicate addition or continuing something. So the
best answer is “first”.
Explanation: Because number 2 has been utilized the word “first”, “also”
can be used to give additional information
the word “until” is an adverb. To complete it, the word “then” can be used as
emphasis to time reference.
D. Theoretical Review
1. Teori tentang reading skills
Hammer (1991) stated that reading is
an exercise dominated by the eyes and the brain. The eyes receive messages and
the brain then has to work out the significance
of the message. While Harrison and Smith (1980) stated that reading is
act of responding with appropriate meaning to print or written verbal symbols.
It means that reading is the result of interaction between the graphic symbols
that represent language and the readers language skill, cognitive skill and
knowledge of the word. In this process, the reader tries to recreate the
meaning intended by the writer
Furthermore Moreillon (2007) stated
that reading is making meaning from print and from visual information. But
reading is not simple. Reading is an active process that requires a great deal
of practice and skill.
Nurkamto, et al (2012) menyebutkan
rumusan indikator yang benar untuk keterampilan berbahasa reading yaitu (1)
memunjukkan gagasan utama suatu teks atau paragraph, (2) menentukan tujuan teks
atau penulis, (3) menyebutkan informasi rinci dalam teks, baik yang tersirat
maupun tersurat, (4) menjelaskan makna kata atau ungkapan tertentu dalam teks,
(5) menjelaskan rujukan yang ada dalam teks.
Reading is an exercise/act/process of coordinating the eyes and the
brain to find meaning from the text and to learn about word identification and
comprehension strategies. Reading indicators can be defined as follows:
the main idea
The main idea of a paragraph is the point of the passage, minus all
the details. Main idea can be found by summarize the passage in one
sentence that includes the gist of ever idea from the paragraph. A good way
to do this is to pretend you have just ten words to tell someone what the
passage was about. You'd have to think broadly, so you could included every
detail in just a short statement.
the purpose of the text
explicit and implicit information
expression and word meaning
reference in the text
Teori tentang teks
Definition : is a text that elaborates
the writer’s idea about the
phenomenon surrounding
Social function :
to persuade the reader or listener that the idea is important matter.
structure :
a. Thesis : introduces a topic and indicates the writer's position; outlines
the main arguments to be presented.
b. Arguments : restates main arguments
outlined in a preview; develops and supports each point/argument.
c. Conclusion : restates the writer's
a. Using relational process
b. Using internal conjunction
c. Using causal conjunction
d. Using simple present tense
A. Instrument
Directions: Read the following texts,
then answer the questions about them by choosing
A, B, C, or D that best answers each question or completes each sentence.
Text 1 (Questions 1 – 6)
I think the
Canterbury Council should construct more activity centers in most local
areas. There are some reasons for this.t
Firstly, during
the school holidays, many children who don’t have much on their minds can
attend their local activity centers. It will keep them busy and they can also
learn to do lots of different things. Another reason is children can encourage
others to attend the local activity centers. Children will not get bored
because they can have lots of fun. Finally, it might stop children from
vandalizing properties that don’t belong to them because they can go to the
activity centers, have fun, and enjoy themselves.
These are the main reasons why I think we
should have more activity centers. It will be educational and a very good
experience for lots of children.
1. What is the text about?
A. The importance of constructing more activity
B. The need for making children busy and have
C. A way of preventing children from getting
D. The reasons for having educational experience
2. It can be inferred from the text that ….
A. Canterbury Council has constructed many
activity centers
B. There are only few activity centers in most
local areas
C. Activity centers tend to make children hang
D. The construction of more activity centers is
3. How does the writer feel if more
activity centers are constructed in most local areas?
A. excited
B. interested
C. disappointed
D. encouraged
4. The word
“this” (sentence 2 paragraph 1) refers to ….
A. Canterbury Council’s proposal to construct
activity center
B. Keeping children busy and have fun in the
C. The construction of more local activity
D. Learning how to do certain things
5. The word
“encourage” (sentence 3 paragraph 2) can be best replaced by the word ...
A. explain
B. motivate
C. describe
D. prevent
Text 2 (question 6 – 10)
Solar energy has
many uses. In many parts of the world, people are building solar houses with
large numbers of windows to collect the heat of the sun. Solar collectors can
make hot water from sun light. The rays of the sun heat water in a solar
collector, and the hot water goes into storage tank. People can use the hot
water for washing or for heating their houses. In the future, people may use
the rays of the sun to make electricity for their homes. They will use
photovoltaic cells to make electricity from sun light.
The sun is an
important “new” source of energy. It is less expensive than oil or nuclear
energy. Furthermore, it does not cause pollution and it is not as dangerous as
nuclear power. Many people think that solar energy will be the answer to our
future energy problems.
6. What is the best title for the text?
A. Energy Problems
B. Solar Houses
C. Sources of Power
D. Solar Energy
7. What is called the new
source of energy?
- the light
- the sun
- the oil
- the nucleus
8. What can a solar collector do?
- answering our future energy problems
- making electricity from sunlight
- using hot water for washing
- making hot water from sunlight
9.Where are people building solar houses?
- in the areas where people have energy problems
- in all parts of the world
- in the areas where there is no electricity
- in places where there is the light of the sun
10.What problems may solar energy
- Water storages
- Future energy problems
- Storage problems
- Oil or nuclear energy
B. Answer Key
1. A
Explanation: it can be seen from the
keywords used in the text. They match with option A. Each paragraph tells about
option A.
2. B
Explanation: the phrase “should construct
more activity centers” indicates that now there are only a few that existed.
3. A
Explanation: If more activity centers are
constructed in most local areas, the writer’s hope will be realized. The writer
must feel excited.
4. C
Explanation: The word “this” (sentence 2 paragraph 1) refers to the construction of
more local activity centers. “This” replaces the thing having been mentioned
5. B
Explanation: The word “encourage”
means to make someone more likely to do something, or to make something more
likely to happen. So, it is just the same as “motivate”.
6. D
Explanation: to find the best title,
readers need to search the idea or the words that are talked about and appeared
very often.
7. B
The answer is stated in the text
(paragraph 2 sentence 1).
8. D
The answer is stated in the text
(paragraph 1 sentence 3).
9. D
The answer is inferred in the text
(paragraph 1 sentence 2).
10. B
The answer is stated in the text
(paragraph 2, last sentence)
C. Scoring Rubric
Jawaban Benar
Jawaban Salah
Untuk setiap jawaban yang benar diberi skor 1, dan
untuk setiap jawaban yang salah diberi skor 0. Ada 10 soal, maka jumlah skor
maksimal adalah 10. Nilai siswa diambil dari jumlah skor (jawaban benar) dibagi
jumlah seluruh soal (10) dikalikan seratus. Sehingga nilai maksimal yang
dicapai siswa adalah 100.
Misalnya Santi berhasil menjawab 7 pertanyaan dengan benar
dan 3 lainnya salah, maka nilai yang diperoleh Santi adalah:
= 70
Jadi nilai yang diperoleh Andi adalah 70