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Sunday, July 8, 2012

RPP Speaking SMA


A. Identitas

1.      Nama Sekolah             : SMA ………
2.      Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
3.      Kelas/Semester            : X/1
4.      Keterampilan bahasa   : Speaking
5.      Genre                          : Interpersonal Text
6.      Topik                           : Agreement and Disagreement
7.      Pertemuan ke-             : 3
8.      Alokasi Waktu            : 1 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

B. Standar Kompetensi
Memahami  makna  dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

C. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji.

D. Indikator
Pada akhir pembelajarana ini, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
  1. Memberi contoh  ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan dalam agreement dan disagreement secara variatif;
  2. Membedakan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut (agreement dan disagreement) berdasarkan tingkat formalitasnya;
  3. Mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang benar;
  4. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dalam percakapan secara tepat sesuai dengan konteksnya;
  5. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dalam percakapan dengan lancar.

E. Materi Pembelajaran
     (Terlampir: Lampiran 1)

F. Metode Pembelajaran

     Role Play

G. Prosedur Pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan Awal
a. Greeting
b. Praying (optional)
c. Checking students attendance
d. Reviewing the previous lesson
e. Stating a topic of the lesson
f. Explaining the objectives of the lesson
g. Explaining the benefits of the lesson

2. Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Guru
Kegiatan Siswa
a. Mengajak siswa mengidentifikasi situasi untuk role play, seperti apakah role play akan dilaksanakan antara guru dengan siswa, dokter dengan pasien, atau tamu hotel dengan resepsionais;
a.Bersama-sama dengan guru meng- identifikasi situasi untuk role play;
b. Mengajak siswa merancang role play, seperti apakah role play bersifat terstruktur, semi terstruktur, atau bebas. Juga, apakah role play akan dilaksanakan oleh dua orang, tiga orang, atau lebih;

b. Bersama-sama dengan guru meran cang role play;
c. Memfasilitasi siswa untuk meng- identifikasi language function yang diperkirakan muncul dalam perca- kapan/role play;
c. Mengidentifikasi language func- tion berdasarkan arahan yang diberikan oleh guru;
d. Mengajak siswa mengidentifikasi pilihan-pilihan bentuk bahasa untuk masing-masing language function;
d. Mengidentifikasi alternatif language forms untuk masing-masing language function;
e. Mengarahkan siswa untuk mela- kukan drilling terhadap beberapa language forms yang telah teriden- tifikasi;
e. Melakukan drilling terhadap language forms yang dibimbing oleh guru;
f. Memfasilitasi siswa melakukan latihan role play dalam kelompok kecil;
f. Melakukan latihan role play dengan teman satu kelompok di tempat duduknya masing-masing;
g. Memfasilitasi siswa melakukan performance role play di depan kelas;
g. Melakukan performance di depan kelas;
h. Mengajak para siswa melakukan evaluasi terhadap hasil performance siswa..
h. Bersama-sama guru melakukan evaluasi atas penampilan kelompok di depan kelas.

3. Kegiatan Akhir
a. Summarizing the lesson
b. Doing reflection
c. Preparing the forthcoming topic/lesson
d. Leave taking
H. Alat Bantu/Media Pembelajaran
Alat bantu pembelajaan yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran ini adalah tape recorder, Laptop/notebook, LCD projector, screen, dan work sheet.

I. Sumber Pembelajaran
Dobson, Julia M.1981. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Washington, D.C.: English Teaching Division, Educational and Cultural Affairs, International Communication Agency.
 Kettering, Judith Carl. 1975. Developing Communicative Competence:Interaction Activities  in English as a Second Language. USA: The University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh.
Paulston, Cristina Bratt, et.al. 1975. Developing Communicative Competence: Roleplays in English as a Second Language. USA: The University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh.
van Ek, J.A. and Trim, J.L.M. 1998. Threshold 1990 (revised edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

J. Penilaian

1. Jenis Penilaian    : Sumatif
2. Teknik Penilaian: Unjuk kerja (performance)
3. Alat Penilaian     : Terlampir (lampiran 2)
4. Kunci Jawaban  : Terlampir (lampiran 2)
4. Rubrik Penilaian : Terlampir (lampiran 2)

                                                                                    Surakarta, 15 Agustus 2011

Kepala Sekolah,                                                          Guru Mata Pelajaran,

__________________________                                _________________________
NIP                                                                             NIP

Lampiran 1: Materi Ajar

A. Theoretical Review
Task 1
Study the following picture about how people express an agreement and disagreement.

Task 2
Study some expressions below, used for agreement and disagreement.

Expressing agreement
I agree with you 100 percent.
That's so true.
That's for sure.
(slang) Tell me about it!
You're absolutely right.
That's exactly how I feel.
I'm afraid I agree with James.
I have to side with Dad on this one.
No doubt about it.
(agree with negative statement) Me neither.
(weak) I suppose so./I guess so.
You have a point there.
I was just going to say that.

Expressing disagreement
I don't think so.
(strong) No way.
I'm afraid I disagree.
(strong) I totally disagree.
I beg to differ.
(strong) I'd say the exact opposite.
Not necessarily.
That's not always true.
That's not always the case.
No, I'm not so sure about that.
I couldn't agree with you more.

Polite disagreement
-   I respect your opinion/You have a right to your opinion, but I think...
-   I'm not sure I can agree with what you say about...
-   I understand what you're saying but...
-   You could be right, but...
-   But I thought...
-   Yes, but...

B. Exercises
Task 1
The following is a short dialogue with some missing words or phrases in it. Complete the dialogue by filling in the blanks with appropriate expressions available in the box. Then, perform the complete dialogue with  your partner in front of the class.

Robbie : “Did you see the lastest news at Metro TV?”
Susan   : “What was it?”
Robbie : “Joko Widodo was predicted to be the winner on the election, what do you think?”
Susan   : “……………...
Robbie : “So, you agree with that prediction”
Susan   : “Sure”

I don’t know                No doubt about it             I don’t think so
Task 2
The following is a short dialogue with some missing words or phrases in it. Complete the dialogue by filling in the blanks with appropriate expressions of your own. Then, perform the complete dialogue with  your partner in front of the class.

Mr. Jimmy : “Tom, can you do me a favor?”
Tommy      : “What can I do for you, sir?”
Mr. Jimmy : “I try to find meals for my lunch but I really need your opinion,  I heard that canteen meals are not hygiene and they aren’t save to be consumed?”
Tommy     : “………………, sir, nobody has poisoned from that meals.”
Mr. Jimmy : “Oh really?, thank you for your opinion Tom. It’s very precious information for me”
Tommy      : “Of course, have a nice lunch, sir.”

Task 3
The following is a short dialogue with some missing lines in it. Complete the dialogue by filling in the lines with appropriate expressions of your own. Then, perform the complete dialogue with  your partner in front of the class.

Kevin     : “Where do you come from Carol?
Caroline : “I come from England.” What about you Kevin?
Kevin    : “I am the native here. I am an American. Do you study here?”
Caroline : “No, I am visiting my aunt and spending my holiday here. I’m glad to be here, it’s a beautiful country”
Kevin    : (1)“…………………………………..”
Caroline : “ Well,  that’s not true. America is the best country in the world”
Kevin      : “ Forget it, will you?
                  Well, if you want to walk around, I will be so glad to accompany you”
Caroline  : (2) “……………………………………………………..”
Kevin    :  “Okay, I’ll wait for your call.”
Task 4
It’s the fist day for you to go to your new school (SMA). You meet Andhika, your new friend, after you introducing yourself, you and Andhika have other conversation. there. Make a dialogue with him, express an agreement and disagreement. Then, perform the dialogue with  your partner in front of the class.

C. The Expected Answers and their Explanations
Task 1

Answer: No doubt about it
Explaination: Susan gives an agreement to Robbie, because they are close friend, Susan states it in informal way.

Task 2

Answer: I'm afraid I disagree
Explaination:   Tom gives disagree opinion, one of the appropriate sentences on expressing disagreement politely is I’m afraid I disagree.

Task 3

Answer: 1. I think England is more beautiful than America
               2. That’s a good idea, if you don’t mind. I’ll call you when I’m ready
Explaination: 1. The expression of disagreement
                          2. The expression of agreement 

Task 4

Andhika: “So Benny, Where do you come from?”
Benny   : “I come from Jepara and I was studied at SMA 1 Jepara”
Andhika: “It’s sounds great, Jepara is beautiful city, why do you move to my city?
Benny    : “Yes, you are right. Well, my parents were born in this city and all of their families are here, we decided to move here so we can live together with our families.
Andhika: “Do you want to come and stay back to Jepara again someday?”
Benny    : “No way, I love this town better.”
Andhika: “That’s great. There our teacher is coming. Can we talk again   later?”
Benny   : “Sure. It is a pleasure talking to you.”

Explaination:  1. Yes, you are right is an expression for agreement
                        2. No way is an expression for disagreement
                          3. Sure is an expression for agreement

Lampiran 2: Alat Penilaian

A. Instrument
Task 1
Arrange the conversation below to be a correct conversation. Then, practice the conversation with your friends!
1. Elly:  I don’t think so. The beach is always crowded at the weekend and it will be very hot.
2. Eta:  How about going to beach?
3. Elly:  Great, that would be lovely.  I  love Aspac very much.
4. Eta:   Ok, I agree with you. I remember that Panasia will play against Aspac. It will be an attractive match. What if we see it?
5. Elly:  What do you think we should do at the weekend?
6.  Eta:    Okay, I will buy two tickets, one for me and one for you.

Task 2
The following is a short dialogue with some missing words or phrases in it. Complete the dialogue by filling in the blanks with appropriate expressions of your own. Then, perform the complete dialogue with  your partner in front of the class.

 Rara :  We currently have 35 new members and I think we need more tutors. Do you agree, Fara?
 Fara : Yes, I think so.
 Diar : Is that so? How many new tutors do we need?
 Rara : I think we need only one. Far, you can still be one of the tutors, can’t you?
 Fara : Yes,..(1)…. We should find the tutor immediately.
 Rara : yes, I am with you. We should start the class next month.
 Diar : But, don’t you think it will be difficult to find a good tutor?
 Fara : I don’t ..(2)….so. We can ask for help to the others.

Task 3
You meet you friend who just began to learn French. You feel very jealous on him because you have learnt it since you were in Junior high school and you haven’t achieved it well. Make a dialogue based on that situation using agree and disagree expression and perform the dialogue with your partner in front of the class.

Task 4
You and your friend are dinner at new restaurant in your town. Make a dialogue based on that situation using agree and disagree expression and perform the dialogue with your partner in front of the class.

B. Kunci Jawaban
Task 1

5. Elly:  What do you think we should do at the weekend?
2. Eta:  How about going to beach?
1. Elly:  I don’t think so. The beach is always crowded at the weekend and it will be very hot.
4. Eta:   Ok, I agree with you. I remember that Panasia will play against Aspac. It will be an attractive match. What if we see it?
3. Elly:  Great, that would be lovely.  I  love Aspac very much.
6.  Eta:    Okay, I will buy two tickets, one for me and one for you.

Task 2

1. sure
2. think

Task 3
Erna  :  They say you’ve begun learning French. Won’t it take too much of   your time?
Johan:  I don’t think so.  English isn’t difficult to learn.
Erna  :  Well I disagree with you. I think that French is very difficult
Johan:  Why do you think so?
Erna  : I’ve learnt it since I was in Junior high school, but I never got a good mark even for once.
Johan:  You do? Maybe you’d better take a short course to make it easier on learning it.
Erna  :  I think that’s brilliant idea, I’ll do it soon.

Task 4
Jonny:  What a nice little restaurant. So cosy and well-lit.
Debby: Yes, it is, and the music is pleasant to dance to.
Jonny: What about the price?
Debby: Considering for the foods, it’s okay for me
Jonny:  I don’t think so. I think that the foods are too expensive
Debby: But, you won’t get such kind of foods in other places cheaper
Jonny: This time I totally agree with you
Debby: You have to

C. Rubrik Penilaian
a. Pedoman penilaian
Writing Element
Range Score
Maximum Score

Total Score

b. Kriteria  penilaian
Kurang           = 5
Cukup            = 10
Baik                = 15
Sangat Baik    = 20
c. Contoh penilaian
1). Dimas mendapat nilai 80
    Dengan penjabaran nilai Pronunciation = 15, Intonation = 20, Grammar = 15, Vocabulary = 10, Fluency = 20
2). Kusuma mendapat nilai 95
    Dengan penjabaran nilai Pronunciation = 20, Intonation = 20, Grammar = 20, Vocabulary = 15, Fluency = 20


  1. terimakasih gan...sangat membantu saya yng masih belajar ini...

  2. Thanks for post this lesson plan, It's help me to arrange my lesson plan in Micro Teaching subject.
