A. Identitas
1. Nama Sekolah : SMA/MA...................
2. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
3. Kelas/Semester : X/2
4. Keterampilan Bahasa : Writing
5. Genre : Descriptive
6. Topik : Describing a place
7. Pertemuan ke- : 5
8. Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)
B. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks
tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
C. Kompetensi Dasar
Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam
esei sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item
D. Indikator
Pada akhir pembelajarana ini, peserta didik
diharapkan dapat:
1. Mengungkapkan gagasan utama (main idea) teks deskriptif.
2. Mengembangkan gagasan
utama dengan informasi-informasi rinci yang relevan.
3. Menggunakan kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang
tepat dalam menggungkapkan gagasan utama teks.
4. Menggunakan
tata bahasa (grammar) untuk menyusun kalimat yang benar.
5. Menggunakan piranti kohesi (cohesive devices) yang tepat dalam
menyusun teks.
6. Menggunakan tata cara
penulisan (mechanics) yang benar untuk memenuhi tujuan penulisan.
E. Materi Pembelajaran
(Terlampir: Lampiran 1)
F. Metode Pembelajaran
Process Approach
G. Prosedur Pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan Awal
a. Greeting
b. Checking students attendance
c. Reviewing the previous lesson
d. Stating a topic of the lesson
e. Explaining the objectives of the lesson
f. Explaining the benefits of the lesson
2. Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Guru
Kegiatan Siswa
siswa untuk memilih dan menentukan topik, membatasi topik, dan menuliskan topic sentence atau thesis
dan menentukan topik text yang akan dibahas
siswa untuk menuliskan pointer-pointer isi informasi yang dapat mengembangkan
dan menuliskan pointer-pointer isi informasi yang dapat mengembangkan topik
siswa untuk mengembangkan setiap pointer informasi menjadi kalimat atau paragraph
setiap pointer informasi yang sudah diidentifikasi menjadi kalimat atau
siswa menilai draf yang telah dibuatnya, kemudian melakukan revisi atau
editing agar draf tersebut menjadi lebih baik. Revisi meliputi isi,
organisasi, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, dan lain sebagainya.
sendiri draf yang telah dibuat, kemudian melakukan revisi atau editing
terhadap draf tersebut supaya menjadi lebih baik.
siswa menuliskan kembali draf yang telah direvisi. Ini menjadi produk atau
tulisan akhir siswa
kembali draf yang sudah direvisi menjadi tulisan akhir siswa.
3. Kegiatan Akhir
a. Summarizing the lesson
b. Doing reflection
c. Preparing the forthcoming
d. Leave taking
H. Alat Bantu/Media
Alat bantu pembelajaan yang digunakan dalam
pembelajaran ini adalah Laptop/notebook, LCD projector, dan screen.
I. Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Sudarwati,
Th., M. Dan Grace, Eudia. 2005. Look Ahead:
An English Course. Jakarta: Penerbit
Authentic text tentang descriptive yang diambil dari internet
J. Penilaian
1. Jenis Penilaian : Sumatif
2. Teknik Penilaian: Unjuk
kerja (performance)
3. Alat Penilaian
: Terlampir (lampiran 2)
4. Kunci Jawaban
: Terlampir (lampiran 2)
4. Rubrik Penilaian : Terlampir (lampiran 2)
13 Juni 2012
Kepala Sekolah, Guru
Mata Pelajaran,
__________________________ _________________________
Contoh Teks Deskritif
Borobudur Temple
Borobudur is
well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the Gupta
architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill and consists of
eight steps like stone terrace. The overall height is 42 meters, but is only
34.5 meters after restoration, and has the dimension of 123 x 123 meters
(15,129 square meters). There are 10 floors. The first floor up to the sixth
floor are square form, the seventh to the tenth floor are round form. Total
size of the temple walls is 2500 square meters, full of relief. The total
number of panels with relief is 1212.
Borobudur is located
in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Borobudur was built by Sanmaratungga in
the 8th century, and belongs to Buddha Mahayana. Borobudur was revealed by Sir Thomas Stanford
Raffles in 1814. The temple was found in ruined condition and was buried. The
temple undergone restoration from 1905 to 1910, and the last restoration was
done in 1973 to 1983.
Borobudur is one of
the most important manifestations of the Indonesian cultural heritage. This
remarkable monument is a symbol of Indonesia’s pass. Its grandeur and
uniqueness it equals the sites of Sanchi and Ajanta in India, of Ankor-Vat and
Bayon in Cambodia. It is situated in the heart of Java with its charming and
peaceful atmosphere.
It was built to
resemble a microcosm of the universe and its purpose was to provide a visual
image of the teachings of the Buddha and show, in a practical manner, the steps
through life that each person must follow to achieve enlightenment. The pilgrim
to this shrine would first have been led around the base and shown the friezes,
which illustrate the consequences of living in the World of Desire.
B. Prosedur Penulisan Teks
(di Bagian A di atas)
1. Menentukan topik dalam bentuk
yang diambil untuk materi pembelajaran berjudul “Borobudur temple”, dikarenakan
tema pada pebahasan pelajaran writing adalah membuat deskriptif teks yang
mendeskripsikan tempat.
2. Menentukan kalimat-kalimat pendukung (supporting details).
a. Ciri-ciri fisik candi Borobudur (Physical: shape, height, weight, material of Borobudur temple)
Sejarah candi Borobudur (History of
Borobudur Temple)
Segi budaya candi Borobudur (Cultural
point a view of Borobudur Temple)
Segi sosial candi Borobudur (Social point
a view of Borobudur Temple)
3. Menyusun topik dan kalimat-kalimat pendukung
menjadi sebuah teks deskriptif yang utuh.
C. Review Teoretis tentang Teks Deskriptif
1. Pengertian deskriptif
Teks deskriptif (descriptive text) adalah
teks yang mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan bentuk, ciri atau sifat benda,
hewan, tumbuh-tumbuhan, manusia atau peristiwa tertentu yang khusus.
2.Teks deskrptif
memiliki kerangka atau struktur (generic
structure) sebagai berikut.
a. Identification:
memperkenalkan benda, hewan, tumbuhan, atau seseorang
yang akan dideskripsikan.
b.Description: menceritakan bagian per bagian dari objek yang kita deskripsikan,
misalnya penggambaran dimulai dengan menceritakan bentuk fisiknya,
kemudian ciri-ciri khusus, kualitas, sifat, dan tingkah
laku benda, hewan, tumbuhan, atau seseorang yang dideskripsikan.
3. The
Language Feature of Descriptive Text (Ciri kebahasaan)
attributive and identifying process.
adjective and classifiers in nominal
simple present.
A. Instrument evaluasi
Petunjuk pengerjaan soal menulis teks
1.Buatlah teks deskriptif
dlm bentuk essay/paragraf tentang tempat yang terdapat pada gambar dibawah ini!
2.Teks terdiri dari
lima paragaf
3. Masing-masing
paragraph terdiri dari minimal lima kalimat
4.Teks harus
memenuhi kriteria penilaian, antara lain: content, vocabulary, grammar, organization dan mechanics.
B. Kemungkinan Jawaban (Teks
Prambanan Temple
Prambanan temple was
built in the 9th century and designed as three concentric squares. In all there
are 224 temples in the entire complex. The inner square contains of 16 temples,
the most significant being the 47 m high central Siva temple flanked to
the north by the Brahma temple and to the south by the Vishnu temple. These
three ancient masterpieces of Hindu architecture are locally referred to as the
Prambanan Temple or Lorojonggrang Temple (Slender Maiden); the compound was
deserted soon after it was completed, possibly owing to the eruption of nearby
Mount Merapi.
There is a legend
that Javanese people always tell about this temple. As the story tells, there
was a man named Bandung Bondowoso who loved Roro Jonggrang. To refuse his love,
Jonggrang asked Bondowoso to make her a temple with 1,000 statues only in
one-night time. The request was nearly fulfilled when Jonggrang asked the
villagers to pound rice and to set a fire in order to look like morning had
broken. Feeling to be cheated, Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed
Jonggrang to be the thousandth statue.
An interesting aspect of the Prambanan Plain, is that there are several other shrines and temples nearby - and all dedicated to Buddha. 1 km to the north of Prambanan is located the large Buddhist temple of Sewu, Sewu being the Javanese word for thousand. The fact that this temple was built near Prambanan Temple, which is a Hindu temple, indicated that the Hindus and Buddhists lived in harmony.
An interesting aspect of the Prambanan Plain, is that there are several other shrines and temples nearby - and all dedicated to Buddha. 1 km to the north of Prambanan is located the large Buddhist temple of Sewu, Sewu being the Javanese word for thousand. The fact that this temple was built near Prambanan Temple, which is a Hindu temple, indicated that the Hindus and Buddhists lived in harmony.
Many tourists attend
a performance of the famous Ramayana
Ballet. The Ramayana Ballet is performed outdoor every year, between the
months of May to October; it is a magnificent show with a backdrop setting of
the main three temples, artistically illuminated after nightfall. The stage is
close to the complex.
Prambanan Temple appears to be very
beautiful shortly after dawn or before sunrise. A beautiful park has been
designed especially for children and the rest of your family to play in and
have loads of fun while enjoying the magnetic beauty of Prambanan Temple. There
is also an archeological museum in the Prambanan
Temple compound where you can learn about the ancient history of Prambanan Temple and all the
surrounding temples and Wanabaya's discoveries.
C. Rubrik Penilaian
a. Pedoman penilaian
Writing Element
Range Score
Maximum Score
Total Score
b. Kriteria penilaian
Kurang = 5
Cukup = 10
Baik = 15
Sangat Baik = 20
c. Contoh penilaian
1). Angga mendapat nilai 70
Dengan penjabaran nilai Content
= 10, Organization = 20, Grammar = 10, Vocabulary = 10, Mechanics = 20
2). Desi mendapat nilai 85
Dengan penjabaran nilai
Content = 15, organization = 20, Grammar =
15, Vocabulary = 15, Mechanics = 20
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