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Saturday, November 14, 2009



This Research Report is presented as a partial requirement to join the Final Test of Error Analysis



NO : 0611201573








NO : 0611201573

This report has been approved by the consultant and lecturer of Error Analysis of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Widya Dharma University Klaten.

Klaten, January , 2009

The lecturer of Error Analysis Lesson

Drs. Purwo Haryono, M. Hum


First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT who gives strength and bless to the writer to finish this research report. Further, the writer would like to thank to everyone that has given much help to the writer, they are:

1. Drs. Purwo Haryono, M. Hum, the lecturer of Error Analysis and also the consultant who has guides and advices the writer in finishing this report.

2. The Twelfth year students of SMA Negeri 1 Gantiwarno, Klaten as the source of the data.

3. Sudama, S.Pd. the English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Gantiwarno, Klaten who given permission to do the research.

4. My beloved parents and husband who give me supports and chances to be better.

5. My lovely children (Shafa and Rasya… You are so nice) I will always love you and you are my everything.

6. My friends Ika, Cicin, Lidya, Muning, Erni, Rahma, laili. I can not be like this without you. Thank you for being my friends.

7. My best friend, Mas Kris. Who makes my life so colorful, thank for your supports and advises. I have learnt many things from you.

The writer realizes that this report is far from perfect. Therefore, the writer would accept correction, suggestion, and critics from the readers to make this report become perfect. The writer hopefully, this report will be useful especially for the readers in general.

The writer


Title Page................................................................................................... ....... i

Approval Page........................................................................................ ...... ii

Acknowledgement............................................................................... ..... iii

Table of Content................................................................................... ..... iv

Abstract..................................................................................................... ..... vi


A. The Background of the Study............................................ ...... 1

B. The Reason for Choosing the Topic................................... ...... 5

C. The Statement of the Problem............................................ ...... 5

D. The Limitation of the Study............................................... ...... 5

E. The Aims of the Study.............................................................. 6

F. The Uses of the Study............................................................... 6

G. The Clarification of the Key Terms.................................... ...... 7

H. The Organization of the Study........................................... ...... 8


A. A Brief Look at Contrastive Analysis................................ .... 10

1. The Meaning of Contrastive Analysis.......................... .... 10

2. The Hypothesis of Contrastive Analysis...................... .... 11

B. A Brief View at Error Analysis.......................................... .... 13

1. The Meaning of Error Analysis.................................... .... 14

2. The Sources of Error..................................................... .... 16

3. The Types of Errors........................................................... 20

4. The Practical Uses of Error Analysis............................ .... 25

5. The Methodology of Error Analysis............................. .... 26

C. A Brief Look at Explanation Writing................................. .... 28


A. The Meaning of Research Method..................................... .... 32

B. The Strategy of the Research............................................. .... 33

C. The Data and the Source of the Data................................. .... 33

D. The Technique of Collecting the Data................................ .... 34

E. The Technique of Analyzing the Data ............................... .... 34


A. The Analysis of the Data.................................................... .... 36

B. The Discussion of the Findings.......................................... .... 47


A. Conclusion.......................................................................... .... 49

B. Implication.......................................................................... .... 49

C. Suggestion.......................................................................... .... 50




FIBRIANI ENDAH WIDYASARI NO: 0611201573. English Education Study Program. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Widya Dharma University Klaten. A Grammatical Error Analysis of the Students’ Writing of Rain of the Twelfth Year Students of SMA Negeri I Gantiwarno In 2008.

This paper aims at giving description on the errors done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008. The writer reveals the errors and their factor contributing to the errors as the answer of problem of this study namely “What kinds of grammatical errors of the students’ writing of rain are done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008?”

In this study the writer takes the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008 consisting 30 students. The writer uses the students’ works in explanation paragraph as the source of the data. The data collected are then analyzed with descriptive qualitative method.

After analyzing all the data taken from the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008, the writer can find some sentences having grammatical errors closely related with make a explanation writing into English language. The kind of errors are omission, addition, misformation, misordering, omission and addition, addition and misformation, addition and misordering, omission and misformation, omission and misordering, misformation and misordering.



A. The Background of the Study

As a means of communication among the nations in the world, English has a very important position to be learned and taught at school because it has been understood clearly that science and the technology are mostly written in English. This evidence makes the fact clearer that English is very important for Indonesia to develop its existence in the world among other countries. English can not be ignored as the medium of communication both in oral and written communication. Therefore, Indonesia chooses English as the first foreign language to be taught in formal education, from Elementary School until University.

Learning English as a foreign language is a difficult thing to do for most of the Indonesian students. It also takes a lot of time since English is a foreign language for them. In learning English, they will certainly find elements which are not found in their mother tongue which has already been established in their mind. They will be able to learn the elements of the target language which are similar to those of their own more easily than those which are not found in their descriptive language.

So of course it is difficult for students to master English well. One of the English materials that must be learned by the students is English grammar. Most of the students have difficulties in learning English grammar

In learning process, every student still makes error in grammar, structure, etc. so it is important to analyze and to minimize their errors of their study in the classroom. Therefore, the writer uses error analysis to detect quickly the students’ errors. It is very much needed because the result of the analysis gives some contribution in attempting to decrease errors done by the students in learning English especially in SMAN I Gantiwarno.

Writing is one of the skills that must be learned by the students, especially in the twelfth year of the students. In writing, the learners must apply the four general components of the writing process. They are grammar, style, form, structure.

Based on the statement above, the writer is interested in analyzing about explanation writing more specifically. In this research, the writer would search some errors on writing explanation writing, because the writer wants to know those errors in order to get the information to be used in improving the teaching material and the techniques. The writer thinks that explanation writing is more cheerful to be done. This means that students can initiate into the process, and the teacher should prepare to intervene in the students overcome difficulties encountered in each of stage. The writer tries to encourage the students to write paragraph correctly. So, writing explanation paragraph is important to be analyzed.

The writer would like to analyze the students’ errors on grammar in the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno by asking them to make a explanation paragraph with entitled “Rain”. It is very important to know how many kinds of errors that they do in writing, so it can help them to know and understand their errors.

This research uses error analysis because this analysis is more effective to detect quickly the students’ errors in writing. In order to know the errors faced by the students in learning English, especially in SMAN I gantiwarno, the writer tries to analyze errors entitled “A Grammatical Error Analysis of The Students’ Writing of Rain of the Twelfth Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Gantiwarno in 2008.

B. The Reason for Choosing the Topic

In this study, the writer chooses the topic about explanation writing because:

1. It is important to analyze errors in explanation writing done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno, to reduce errors in explanation writing.

2. Error analysis is more effective to detect quickly the students’ errors on grammar in explanation writing.

3. Explanation writing is a kind of writing done by the twelfth year students that explain the process of the thing or the activity without any influence or the author. So, it is worth studying.

C. The Statement of the Problem

The writer would like to present the problem that can be formulated as follows: “What kinds of grammatical errors of the students’ writing of rain are made by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008?”

D. The Limitation of the Study

To make the study clear, the writer has certain target to gain in this research. Therefore, the writer limits the study as follows:

1. The data that will be analyzed are limited to those taken from the test by asking the students to make an explanation paragraph in English.

2. The study is limited to know the errors done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008.

E. The Aims of the Study

In conducting this study, the writer has some aims. They are as follows:

1. To describe the kinds of errors of the students’ writing of rain made by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008.

2. To give contribution to the teaching of English as a foreign language in SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008.

F. The Uses of the Study

The result of the study can be used as follows:

1. To give explanation in applying an explanation writing for the students therefore they are not confused about it.

2. To minimize the students errors of explanation writing in paragraph.

3. To give contribution of teaching and learning process especially in teaching an explanation writing.

G. The Clarification of the Key Terms

In this study, the writer would give some clarification of the keys term of the title:

1. Error

Sujoko (1989: 5) states an error is noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learner.

In this study, error means noticeable deviation from adult grammar done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno.

2. Analysis

Hornby (1995: 38) states analysis is the study of something by examining its parts and their relationship.

In this research, analysis is the study of errors done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno on grammar of explanation writing.

3. Error Analysis

From the explanation of error and analysis above, the writer can states that error analysis in this study is an examination of the students’ deviation on grammar of explanation writing done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno.

4. Grammar

Hornby (1995: 517) states grammar is the rule in a language for changing the form of words and combining them into sentences.

In this study grammar is the rule in a language changing the form or words and combining them into sentences in explanation writing done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008.

H. The Organization of the Study

This study report consists of five chapters:

Chapter I is Introduction. It consists of the background of the study, the reason for choosing the topic, the statement of the problem, the limitation of the study, the aims of the study, the uses of the study, the clarification of the key terms and the organization of the study.

Chapter II is Review of Related Literature. This chapter will discuss about a brief look at contrastive analysis: the meaning of contrastive analysis, the hypothesis of contrastive analysis; a brief look at error analysis: the meaning of error analysis, the sources of error, the types/kind of errors, the practical uses or error analysis, the methodology of error analysis, and a brief look at explanation writing.

Chapter III is The Method of the Study. It deals with the meaning of research method, the strategy of the research, the data and the source of data, the technique of collecting the data and the technique of analyzing the data.

Chapter IV is The Result of the Study. It includes the analysis of the data and the discussion of the findings.

Chapter V, the writer would come to the conclusion, implication, and suggestion.



Review or related literature consist of 3 (three) parts. They are A Brief Look at Contrastive Analysis, A Brief View of Error Analysis, and A Brief Look at Explanation Writing.

A. A Brief Look at Contrastive Analysis

1. The Meaning of Contrastive Analysis

A systematic comparative study analyzing has the differences and similarities among languages. The term “Contrastive Linguistics” for comparative study this is giving emphasis on linguistic differences. Meanwhile contrastive linguistics has been redefined as “a sub discipline of linguistics concerned with the comparison of two or more languages or subsystems of languages in order to determine both the differences and similarities between them” (Geethakumary, 2006: 1).

The Publication of Robert Lados Book “Linguistics Across Cultures” in 1957 on Geethakumary (2006: 1) marks the real beginning of modern applied contrastive linguistics. In later studies, as an alternative for contrastive linguistics, the term “contrastive analysis” is used. Contrastive analysis is the method of analyzing the structure of any two languages with a view to estimate the differential aspects of their systems, irrespective or their genetic affinity of level of development.

Contrastive analysis has procedure that must be followed that is comparing the structure of the native and the second language, arranging the teaching material and also preparing the methodology in giving the subject to the learners.

Contrastive analysis become useful when it is adequately describing the sound structure and grammatical structure of two languages, with comparative statement, giving due emphasis to the compatible items in two systems. It is assumed that learning of second language is facilitated whenever there are similarities between that language and mother tongue. Learning may be interfered with when there are marked contrasts between mother tongue and second language.

From the statement above, it can be concluded that contrastive analysis compares two things concerning with linguistic terms. By comparing the native language and foreign language, the teachers will get the key to ease the difficulties faced by the learners of the foreign language. Contrastive analysis has a procedure that must be followed that is comparing the structure of the native language and the second or foreign language, predicting the difficulties and the errors in learning process, arranging the materials, and preparing the method of giving the subject to the learners.

2. The Hypothesis of Contrastive Analysis

The contrastive analysis hypothesis stressed the interfering effect of the first language on second language learning, and claimed, in its strong form, that second language is primarily, if not exclusively, a process of acquiring whatever items are different from the first language. Such a narrow view of interference ignored the intra lingual effects of learning among other factors (Sujoko, 1989: 1). In recent years researchers and teachers have come more and more to understand that second language learning is a creative process of constructing a system in which the learner is consciously testing hypothesis about the target language from a number of possible sources of knowledge: limited knowledge of the target language itself, knowledge about the communicative function of language, knowledge in general, and knowledge about life, human being, and universe.

Five hypothesis of contrastive analysis are as follows:

a. That the prime cause, or even the sole cause of difficulty and error in foreign language (FL) learning is interference coming from the learner’s native language (NL).

b. That the difficulties are chiefly, or wholly, due to the differences between the two languages.

c. That the greater these differences are, the more acute the learning difficulties will be.

d. That the results of the comparison between the two languages are needed to predict the difficulties and errors that will occur in learning the foreign language (FL).

e. That what there is to teach can best be found by comparing the two languages and the n subtracting what is common to them, so that what the student has to learn equals the sums of the differences established by the contrastive analysis.

From the statement above it can be concluded as follows:

a. The difficulty and error in foreign language (English language) is interference coming from the learner’s native language.

b. The difficulties are chiefly, or wholly, due to the differences between English and Indonesia.

c. The more acute the learning difficulties are the greater these differences.

d. The results of the comparison between English and Indonesia are needed to predict the difficulties and errors that will occur in learning the foreign language (English).

e. The student has to learn equals the sums of the differences between English and Indonesia by the contrastive analysis.

B. A Brief View of Error Analysis

There are 5 (five) parts of a brief view of error analysis. They are the meaning of error analysis, the sources of error, the types of errors, the practical uses of error analysis, and the methodology of error analysis.

1. The Meaning of Error Analysis

Human learning is fundamentally a process that involves the making of mistakes and errors. For instance, if the learners are learning English the learners always make some mistake and some errors, so the learners must try to correct them by themselves of by asking the other person who has mastered English well to analyze the learner error.

Second language learning is a process that is clearly not unlike first language learning in its trial and error nature. Inevitably the learner will make mistakes in the process of acquisition, and indeed will often impede that process if he does not commit errors and then benefit in turn from various forms of feedback on those (Sujoko, 1989: 4).

Error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learner (Sujoko, 1989: 5).

Mistake refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or a “slip” in that it is a failure to utilize a known system correctly (Sujoko, 1989: 5).

In science the word “error” does not mean “mistake” or “blunder” but rather the inevitable uncertainty of all measurements. Because they cannot be avoided, errors in this context are not, strictly speaking, “mistakes.” At best, they can be made as small as reasonably possible, and their size can be reliably estimated (Taylor and P.V. Bork, 2006: 1).

Someone who has mastered English well knows to analyze the learner error. By trial and error and also analyzing them, the writer hopes by error analysis the writer will be able to master English well. In order to analyze learner’s errors in a proper perspective, it is crucial to make a distinction between mistakes and errors. The differences between error and mistake are:

a. The source of errors is competence and mistakes are performance.

b. The characteristics of errors are systematic but mistakes are unsystematic or random.

c. The duration of errors is long and mistakes are short.

d. The linguistic systems of errors are not mastered yet but in mistake are mastered.

e. The result is deviation also in mistakes.

f. The correction in error is helped by authorities i.e. teacher, etc but in mistakes the correction is done by students themselves.

We knew what is mean by error, so analysis is the detailed study or examination of something in order to understand more about it; the result of the study (Hornby, 1995: 586).

So in this study error analysis is an examination of the students’ deviation on grammar of explanation writing made by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno.

2. The Sources of Error

After knowing the concept of contrastive analysis, there are some factors which cause the students make errors:

a. Interlingual Transfer

Before the system of the second language is familiar, the native language the only linguistic system in previous experience upon which the learner can draw. Students never heard English word, so they find some difficulties in their learning. Fluent of learner’s negative language aids the teacher in detecting and analyzing error, however, familiarity with language can be of help in pointing this common source.

The sources of error can be caused by interference of the learner’s mother tongue to the second language that is learned.

For example: The bag of Sarah. Instead of Sarah’s bag.

The sentence “The bag of Sarah” is interfered by the learner’s mother tongue (Tasnya Sarah), which is actually using apostrophe (‘) Sarah’s bag.

b. Intralingual Transfer

These are errors that reflect the general characteristic of the learners. That is interference, or, put another way the incorrect generalization of rules within the target language is a major factor in second language learning.

The source of error can also happen on intralingual transfer, which it caused by negative intralingual transfer (overgeneralization) in target language.

For example: Does Randy can sing? Instead of Can Randy sing?

In the sentence above, a learner puts does word in the beginning of interrogative sentence, which is actually can word.

c. Context of Learning

Another source of error is context of learning when students often make error because of a misleading explanation from the teacher, faulty presentation of structure or word in a textbook, or even because of a pattern that was rotely memorized in a drill but not properly contextualized (Sujoko, 1989: 18).

For example: How did the football match come on? Instead of How did the football match come out?

In the sentence above, a learner puts a word come on to explain the football. It is not a proper adjective to explain the football. The correct one is come out.

d. Communication Strategies

Sujoko (1989: 24) states that a communication strategy is the conscious employment of verbal or nonverbal mechanisms for communicating an idea when precise linguistic forms are for same reason not readily available to learner at a point in communication.

Fourth major sources of learner error can be found in different communication strategies employed by the learner to get a message across to a hearer.

1) Avoidance

Avoidance is a common communication strategy that can be broken down into several subcategories and thus distinguished from other types of strategies. There are some types of avoidance strategy in communication. The most common types of avoidance are syntactic or lexical avoidance within a semantic category, phonological avoidance and topic avoidance (Sujoko, 1989: 24).

The most common type of avoidance strategy is syntactic or lexical avoidance within a semantic category. When the learner refereed to earlier in this chapter could not think of “I lost my way” first avoided the use of “way” with the synonym “road.” This was not appropriate in the context and so paraphrased the sentence “I got lost.” (Sujoko, 1989: 24).

Phonological avoidance is also common. Phonological avoidance means the sentence have same meaning and the difference in phoneme.

A more direct type of avoidance is topic avoidance, in which a whole topic of conversation (say, talking about what happened yesterday if the past tense is unfamiliar) might be avoided entirely. Learners manage to devise ingenious methods of topic avoidance: changing the subject, pretending not to understand (a classical means for avoiding answering a question), simply not responding a t all, or noticeably abandoning a message when a thought becomes too difficult to continue expressing (Sujoko, 1989: 25).

The learner commits the avoidance strategy for some reasons not readily available to him at a point in communication.

2) Prefabricated pattern

Prefabricated pattern is to memorize certain stock of phrases or sentences without internalized knowledge of the component of the phrase.

3) Cognitive and Personality Style

An emphatic personality might attend with much more insight to the deep structure or misapplication of learned rules.

4) Appeal to Authority

Appeal to authority, in this errors, students just memorize without misunderstanding. The learner might venture possible guess and then ask for verification from the native speaker of the correctness of the attempt. The learner might also choose to look a word or structure up in a bilingual dictionary.

5) Language Switch

A foreign language learner may simply use her native language when she cannot produce a meaningful utterance in foreign language. In this case the learner takes resource to language switch in their communication strategy.

Sujoko (1989: 28) explains “… but at other times relatively long stretches of native language discourse emerge from the learners. Surprisingly, the context of communication coupled with some of the universals of nonverbal expression sometime enable a learner to communicate an idea in this own language to someone unfamiliar with that language. Most of the students’ errors from the use of language switch usually they are often done by the beginner or even the advantage learners.”

3. The Types of Errors

According to Dulay, Burt, Krashen (1982: 1982: 155), there are four types or errors based on the surface strategy taxonomy, omission, addition, misformation and misordering.

a. Omission Error

Omission errors are characterized by the absence of items that must appear in well-formed utterance.

For example:

1. Susan is good student.

2. Jack is best student in his class.

In utterance 1 the student omits an indefinite article a for Susan is a good student, while in utterance 2 a definite article the is omitted for Jack is the best student in his class.

b. Addition Error

Addition errors are the opposite of omission errors. They are characterized by the presence of an item, which must not be present in a well-formed utterance. Addition errors usually occur in the late stages of L2 acquisition, when the learner has already acquired some target language rules. In fact, addition errors result from the all-too-faithful use of certain rules. Dulay, Burt, Krashen (1982: 156) divides addition errors into three types, double marking, regularization, and simple addition.

1) Double Marking

Many addition errors are more accurately described as the failure to delete certain items which are required in some linguistic construction but not in others.

For example:

a. The girl does not dresses up appropriately.

b. The teacher did not arrived on time.

In the utterance a The girl does not dresses up appropriately is incorrect because the tense is simple present tense. So the correct is The girl does not dress up appropriately.

In the utterance b The teacher did not arrived on time is incorrect because the tense is simple past tense. So the correct is The teacher did not arrive on time.

2) Regularization

Regularization error refers to an error having exceptional items of the given class that do not take a marker.

For example:

incorrect correct

- mans : men ( plural from man )

- buyed : bought ( past tense from buy )

- childs : children ( plural from child )

The examples above are regularization errors, in which the regular plural noun and tense markers respectively have been added to items which do not take markers.

3) Simple Addition

Errors of simple addition refer to the addition of one element to the correct utterance.

For example:

a. I am is a student

b. You can to swim in the swimming pool anytime.

In the utterance a the sentence I am is a student is incorrect sentence because add with word is. So the correct sentence is I am a student. And in the utterance b the sentence You can to swim in the swimming pool anytime is incorrect sentence because add with word to. So the correct sentence is You can swim in the swimming pool anytime.

c. Misformation

Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the unacceptable forms of the morpheme or structure. There are three subtypes of misformation errors, regularization error, archi-form, and alternating form.

1) Regularization Errors

Regularization errors are errors in which regular marker are used place of irregular ones. For example, the verb run does not become runned, but ran; the noun sheeps is also sheep in plural, not sheeps.

Whenever there are both regular and irregular forms and constructions in a language, learners apply the rules used to produce the regular ones to those that are irregular, resulting in errors of regularization.

2) Archi-forms

The selection of marker of one member of a class of forms to represent other in the class is a common characteristic of all stages of second language acquisition. The forms selected by the learner is called archi-form. The following examples are dealing with the use of demonstrative adjective this, that, these, and those.

For example:

a. that tables.

b. this student.

c. these book.

d. those table.

This type of misformation errors has been called archi-form. That should be followed by singular form, while these should be followed by plural.

3) Alternating Form

As learner’s vocabulary and grammar grow, the use of archi-form often gives away to the apparently free alternative of various member of class with each other.

For example:

a. I see her yesterday.

b. He would have saw them.

The utterances above have incorrect use of the verbs see and saw instead of saw and seen respectively.

d. Misordering

Misordering errors are characterized by the incorrect placement of a morpheme of group of morphemes in an utterance. Misordering errors occur systematically for both L2 and L1 learners in constructions that have already been acquired, specifically simple (direct) and embedded (indirect) questions.

For example:

a. Do you know who is she?

b. What you are thinking about?

In the utterance a sentence Do you know who is she? is incorrect sentence, because there is misordering of word. So the correct sentence is Do you know who she is? And in the utterance b sentence What you are thinking about? is incorrect sentence, because there is misordering of word. So the correct sentence is What are you thinking about?

4. The Practical Uses of Error Analysis

Error analysis is part of the methodology of language learning that is learned to help the student’s difficulties. By analyzing the learner’s errors, it will be found the description of errors by which it can be used as feedback by the teacher to decide the follow up. Sujoko (1989: 48) states that the practical uses of errors analysis are as follows:

a. Errors provide feedback; they tell the teacher something about the effectiveness of his teaching materials and his teaching techniques.

b. They show her what parts of the syllabus he has been following have been inadequately learned or taught and need further attention.

c. They enable her to decide whether he must devote more time to the item he has been working on. This is the day-to-day valve of errors. But in terms of broader planning and with a new group of learners.

d. They provide the information for designing a remedial syllabus or a program of re-teaching.

From the above explanation it can be concluded that error analysis is an activity to analyze the learners’ errors to reveal something of the system operating through observing, classifying, identifying, separating and describing.

As mentioned above, the practical uses or error analysis is very significant both to the teacher and the learner. The significance of the practical uses or error analysis is to the teacher. It means that he analyzes the learner’s error and corrects the error that made by the learners. For the learners the practical uses of error analysis can facilitate them in improving the English mastery.

5. The Methodology of Error Analysis

The methodology of Error Analysis according to S.N. Sidhar (1985: 222) is as follows:

a. Collecting of the data (either from a free composition by students on given theme or from examination answer).

b. Identification of errors (labeling with varying degrees of precision depending on the linguistic sophistication brought to bear on the task, with respect to the exact nature of the deviation; e.g. dangling preposition, anomalous sequence of the tense, etc).

c. Classification into error types.

d. Statement of relative frequency of error types.

e. Identification of the area of difficulty in the target language.

f. Therapy (remedial drill, lesson, etc).

According to Tarigan the steps of errors analysis are as the following (1990: 71):

a. Collection the data of errors.

b. Identifying and classifying the errors.

c. Considering the order of error types.

d. Classifying the errors.

e. Estimating the areas of errors.

f. Correcting the errors.

The data of error analysis are taken from the students by written test. The written data are takes from the summary of the written test entitled “Rain” given to the students. In order to get the valid data, the writer determines the aims of analyzing, the instruments, the data, and the method or technique.

After collecting the data, the writer identifies them into error types, in the process of identifying the writer uses the rules of English as a target language to be the norm followed in determining the kinds of errors made by the students.

Then the writer classified the errors based on the taxonomy decided before. In order to get the valid analysis, it is better to combine the four taxonomies in this process of analysis.

Then counting the errors, frequencies, deciding the lace of errors, making the percentages of the errors made by the students and finding the best terrify.

After that, the writer will give the evaluation of errors that made by the students and the final the writer would correction the data.

In analyzing the data, the writer uses the steps based on Tarigan’s procedure above, but writer just take a, b, d types.

C. A Brief Look at Explanation Writing

Explanation writing is factual text used to explain the processes involved in the evolution of natural and social phenomena or how something works. Explanations are used to account for why things are as they are. Explanations are more about processes than things. In the school curriculum, explanations are often found in Science and Social Studies (Archer, 2008: 1)

According to OWL at Purdu University (2008: 1) you are writing exposition when you give such direction. The order of your instructions is important and your facts must be right. If they aren’t, you may not see your cousin at all. Explanation writing deals with facts, often scientific and historical. The explanation paragraph may define or classify, it may explain a process.

There are four language features in explanation writing (Archer, 2008: 1). There are:

  1. Focus in generic, non-human participants
  2. Use of simple present tense
  3. Use of temporal and causal conjunctive relations
  4. Use of mainly material (action) processes, some passives used to get them right. The theme is what comes first in the clause and is what the clause (or message) is about.

Details in a paragraph of explanation are arranged in the order that is most helpful to the reader. Often the paragraph starts with what the reader may already know and moves to less familiar details.

Explanation paragraphs may also be organized by time order, particularly if the process is being explained step by step. Bridge words such as first, next, at the same time, then, after that, and finally help the reader to move from one step to the next. Sometimes the order is one of enumeration, with the most important point first or last in a position of a emphasis.

When writing the explanation, it is good idea to make a simple outline first. Write down the topic sentence and the list of the essential details, then arrange the details in the most useful order.



The method of the study consist of the meaning of research method, the strategy of the research, the data and sources of data, the technique of collecting the data, and the technique of analyzing the data.

A. The Meaning of Research Method

The word research is defined differently by experts. Each has a definition based on the way she analyzes the problem faced. According to Hornby (1995: 720), the word “research” means an investigation undertaken in order to discover new facts, get additional information.

The research process is the work of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. It is planned systematically and they become the starting point where a researcher starts her research.

In summary, the research method means the way used in applying the research in order to find the objective of the study. It deals with the way how to investigate educational problem, what procedure is used in gathering and analyzing data. It gives a careful outline to the researcher in doing his or her own job. It is done in order to get the valuable and useful result.

B. The Strategy of the Research

The strategy of the research which is used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This strategy tries to solve the problem in this time which has actual characteristic. Because or this characteristic, the writer does not use the hypothesis as temporary answer to solve the problem. The work way of descriptive qualitative is collecting data, arranging the data and interpreting the data. Qualitative research is concerned with description.

Descriptive research is as a type or category of research that refers to investigation with utilizes already existing data or non-experimental research with preconceived hypothesis.

C. The Data and the Sources of Data

1. The Data

According to Hadi (1987: 83), data is a number of facts which can be used as an formations. While Hornby (1995: 219) defines the data as an information facts: thing certainly known ( and from which conclusions may be drawn).

In this research, the data are the students’ errors on applying Explanation Writing with entitled “Rain” done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008.

2. The Sources of Data

According to Arikunto (1993: 102) the sources of data is the subject where the data can be taken. In this research, the sources of data are from Explanation Writing with entitled “Rain” done by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008.

D. The Technique of Collecting the Data

The writer will explain the steps of collecting the data before the writer analyzes the errors. At the beginning of the writer step, the writer determines the students, which are used as the subject of the research. The subject is the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008. The data are collected by giving a test to the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008. In the test each student is asked to write their own sentences in explanation paragraph with entitled “Rain”.

E. The Technique of Analyzing the Data

As mentioned above the researcher uses a test as instrument in taking research data. After the data are collected, the researcher would like to analyze them. In the research, the writer analyzes the data by descriptive qualitative technique by using the steps below:

  1. The data are collected from the students work. The data are the erroneous sentences on explanation paragraph.
  2. The data are written on pieces of paper.
  3. The researcher reconstructs the erroneous sentences into a well-form utterance.
  4. The writer compares between the erroneous sentences and the reconstruction.
  5. The researcher describes the differences or errors.
  6. The data are classified according to the types of errors.



A. Analyzing the Data

In this case, the writer wants to analyze the data having grammatical errors by using surface strategy taxonomy. So, each type or erroneous will be classified into omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. Here is the elaboration of the data analysis.

1. Errors in Omission

In this research, the writer analyzes errors of omission found in students’ writings. The erroneous sentences in omission can be seen as follows:

(1) Up to cloud.

(2) How explain rain process?

(3) So, result the rain.

(4) After formed by cloud.

In data (1) the student omits some words, there are: it, is, the, so the correct form is It is up to the cloud.

In data (2) the student omits th words to, the, so the correct form is How to explain the rain process?. In data (3) the student omits the words the, is, so the correct form is so, the result is the rain. In data (4) the student omits the words it, is, the, so the correct form is After it is formed by the cloud.

2. Errors in Addition

In this research, the writer analyzes errors of addition found in students’ writings. The erroneous sentences in addition can be seen as follows:

(5) Steam to becomes the cloud.

(6) In the sometimes the sunlight helps the plants.

(7) It’s will be picked up by the wind.

(8) The cloud to carries the sea water.

The sentences above are incorrect in addition. In data (5) the student is incorrect in using word “to”. The correct form is steam becomes the cloud.

In data (6) the student is incorrect in using word “in the”. The correct form is Sometimes the sunlight helps the plants.

In data (7) the student is incorrect in using word “is/’s”. The correct form is It will be picked up by the wind .

In data (8) the student is incorrect in using word “to”. The correct form is The cloud carries the sea water.

3. Errors in Misformation

In this research, the writer analyzes errors in misformation found in students’ writings. The erroneous sentences in misformation can be seen as follows:

(9) There are one possible reason.

(10) It pick up.

(11) It is call rain.

(12) So that shape of the ground are waters and wellspring.

(13) The warm air passes over the ocean.

(14) Between evavoration by transpiration.

In the sentences above, the students are incorrect in misformation. In data (9) the student is incorrect in using word “are” and the correct is using the linking verb “is”. The correct form is There is one possible reason .

In data (10) the student is incorrect using “pick” so the correct is using “picks”. The correct form is It picks up.

In data (11) the student is incorrect using word “call”. The correct form is It called rain.

In data (12) the student is incorrect using word “waters”. The correct form is So that shape of the ground are water and wellspring. In this sentence water’s should be written ‘water’ because the plural form of water is ‘water’.

In data (13) the student is incorrect using word “These”. The correct form is The warm air passes over the ocean. Because ‘air’ can’t be followed by the determiner ‘These’.

In data (14) the student is incorrect using word “by”. The correct form is Between evavoration and transpiration.

4. Errors in Misordering

In this research, the writer analyzes errors in misordering found in students’ writings. The erroneous sentences in misordering can be seen as follows:

(15) And the transpiration plants.

(16) Why the rain can fall?

In data (15) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in misordering. And the correct sentence is And the plants transpiration.

In data (16) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in misordering. And the correct sentence is Why can the rain fall?.

5. Errors in Omission and Misformation

In this research, the writer analyzes errors of omission and misformation found in students’ writings. The erroneous sentences in omission and misformation can be seen as follows:

(17) Effected vapour sea.

(18) And water vapour to climb on into then cloud.

(19) And heavy cloud form.

(20) Rain is part to water cycle.

(21) When the sunray shine sea and plants.

(22) When the air cools.

(23) Which falls ass rain.

(24) Shape the island’s.

(25) Because ever greater longer volume of the cloude.

(26) So that sky become clouded.

(27) Wind progressively unable to arrest.

In data (17) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is Its effect is the sea vaporation.

In data (18) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is And the water vaporation climbs up and becomes the cloud.

In data (19) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is And the heavy cloud is formed.

In data (20) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is Rain is the part of water cycle.

In data (21) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is When the sunray shines the sea and the plants.

In data (22) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is When the air is getting cool.

In data (23) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is Which fall as the rain.

In data (24) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is The shape of the island is.

In data (25) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is Because of the greater and longer volume of the cloud.

In data (26) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is So, the sky becomes cloudy.

In data (27) student make error in order the word. So, this sentences include in Omission and Misformation. And the correct sentence is Wind is progressively unable to hold the cloud.

6. Errors in Omission and Misordering

In this research the writer analyzes errors of omission and misordering found in students’ writings. The erroneous sentences in omission and misordering can be seen as follows:

(28) When ocean sunlight.

(29) Which happen evaporation the sea.

(30) Water sea.

(31) How happen the rain?

In data (28) the correct form is When the sunray shines the ocean.

In data (29) the correct form is Which happened from the sea evaporation.

In data (30) the correct form is The sea water.

In data (31) the correct form is How does the rain happen?

7. Errors in Addition and Omission

In this research the writer analyzes errors of addition and omission found in students’ writings.The erroneous sentences in addition and omission can be seen as follows:

(32) How process the happening of rain?

(33) Which evaporation it begins to rise the air cloud.

(34) Cloud of above sea.

(35) Indonesia has result to big rain.

In data (32) is incorrect in addition the word “the happening”, and the student omits words “is,the”. The correct form is How is the process of rain?

In data (33) is incorrect in addition the words “it,which” and the student omits words “the,into,and,becomes”. The correct form is The evaporation begins to rise into the air and becomes the cloud.

In data (34) is incorrect in addition the word “of” and the student omits word “the, is’. The correct form is The cloud is above the sea.

In data (35) is incorrect in addition the words “result,to”, and the student omits words “a,fall”. The correct form is Indonesia has a big rainfall.

8. Error in Addition and Misformation

In this research the writer analyzes error of addition and misformation found in students’ writings. The erroneous sentence in addition and misformation can be seen as follows:

(36) The sunlight make the temperature of the sea be increased.

In data (36) the correct form is The sunlight increases the temperature of the sea.

9. Errors in Misformation and Misordering

In this research the writer analyzes errors of misformation and misordering found in students’ writings. The erroneous sentences in misformation and misordering can be seen as follows:

(37) So vapour water to return down that into the rain.

(38) Then happen soon moisture.

In data (37) the correct form is So the water vaporation falls down and becomes rain.

In data (38) the correct answer is Then the moisture is formed soon.

10. Errors in Addition and Misordering

In this research the writer analyzes errors of addition and misordering in students’ writings. The erroneous sentences in addition and misordering can be seen as follows:

(39) Indonesia has between lays down 6oLU-11oLS.

(40) To go down sea is rain.

In data (39) the correct form is Indonesia lays between 6oLU-11oLS

In data (40) the correct form is Rain goes down to the sea

B. The Discussion of the Findings

After scrutinizing the data having grammatical errors, the writer finds all existing type of errors. The type of errors are namely the omission, addition, misformation, misordering, omission and misformation, omission and misordering, addition and omission, addition and misformation, misformation and misordering, addition and misordering. The writer finally lists 40 sentences having grammatical errors. On existing the data, the writer reveals 4 errors are omission, 4 errors are addition, 6 errors are misformation, 2 errors is misordering, 11 errors are omission and misformation, 4 errors are omission and misordering, 4 errors are addition and omission, 1 error is addition and misformation, 2 errors are misformation and misordering, 2 errors are addition and misordering.

Concerning the data analysis and types or errors, it can be seen that the most kind or error are omission and misformation and misformation.

Based on the result of the research, the writer can sum up that the students still make error in explanation writing entitled Rain. They are confused with omission, addition, misformation, misordering, omission and misformation, omission and misordering, addition and omission, addition and misformation, misformation and misordering, addition and misordering.

The most kind of errors done by the students are omission and misformation, and misformation.



A. Conclusion

After the writer analyzes the erroneous sentences made by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008, the writer gets the errors written by them.

In this case, the writer would answer the problem stated in previous chapter. It is “What kinds of grammatical errors are made by the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008?”

Based on the analysis and the classification of errors into their types, the writer can conclude that the errors made by the twelfth year students of
SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008 are errors in omission, addition, misformation, misordering, omission and misformation, omission and misordering, addition and omission, addition and misformation, misformation and misordering, addition and misordering.

B. Implication

Based on the result of the study, the writer hopes the English teacher teaches explanation writing in the twelfth year students of SMAN I Gantiwarno in 2008 can be improved.

It can increase the students’ knowledge in many elements of English material. The students can learn grammar in explanation writing. The students can learn using verbs in many kinds of tenses, understanding the part of speech of sentences, and arranging the words into good-form utterance. So, the students can improve the mastery of grammar trough explanation writing. Finally, it can be as instrument to improve the English students’ skills

C. Suggestion

Taken from the fact of the student’s condition about mastering the explanation writing, the writer would give some suggestion to the teacher of English in Klaten, especially in SMAN I Gantiwarno, the students, and the reader:

1. To the teacher

a. The teacher should give more attention to the learners.

b. The teacher should try to find the better method to teach the learners especially in teaching explanation writing.

c. The teacher should give more help to the learners in their problem about explanation writing.

2. To the students

In order to develop their ability in writing explanation paragraph, the writer suggests that:

a. The students should increase their ability in mastering English, especially the explanation writing.

b. The students should practice English both in speaking and reading in the written test.

c. The students should master the form of the explanation writing better.

3. To the reader

This research is far from perfect; all are done in limited time and done by the beginner, who just has limited skill and experience in the world of research. So, the writer hopes much more advice, ideas, correction and critics.

The writer will be glad if one of the readers devotes his or her time to do feature study in the result of this research.


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The Data of Students’ Error


Students’ Error



The Type of Error


How process the happening of rain?

Bagaimana proses terjadinya hujan?

How is the process of rain?

Addition and Omission


Which evaporation it begins to rise the air cloud

Penguapan mulai naik ke udara dan menjadi awan.

The evaporation begins to rise into the air and becomes the cloud.


Addition and Omission


Cloud of above sea.

Awan di atas laut

The cloud is above the sea.

Addition and Omission


Indonesia has result to big rain.

Indonesia mempunyai curah hujan tinggi.

Indonesia has a big rainfall.

Addition and Omission


Up to cloud.

Ini akan naik ke awan.

It is up to the cloud



How explain rain process?

Bagaimana menjelaskan proses hujan?

How to explain the rain process?



So, result the rain.

Jadi, hasilnya adalah hujan.

So, the result is the rain



After formed by cloud.

Setelah di bentuk oleh awan.

After it is formed by the cloud.



Steam to becomes the cloud.

Uap menjadi awan

steam becomes the cloud.



In the sometimes the sunlight helps the plants.

Kadang-kadang sinar matahari membantu tanaman.

Sometimes the sunlight helps the plants.



It’s will be picked up by the wind.

Ini akan diambil oleh angin.

It will be picked up by the wind



The cloud to carries the sea water.

Awan membawa air laut.

The cloud carries the sea water.



There are one possible reason.

Ada satu alasan yang memungkinkan

There is one possible reason .



It pick up.

Ini akan mengambil.

It picks up



It is call rain.

Ini dinamakan hujan.

It is called rain



So that shape of the ground are waters and wellspring.

Jadi, bagian dari tanah adalah air dan mata air.

So that shape of the ground are water and wellspring.



These warm air passes over the ocean.

Udara yang hangat melewati samudera.

The warm air passes over the ocean.



Between evaporation by transpiration.

Antara penguapan dan penyerapan.

Between evaporation and transpiration.



And the transpiration plants.

Penyerapan tumbuhan

And the plants transpiration.



Why the rain can fall?

Kenapa hujan jatuh?

Why can the rain fall?



Effected vapour sea.

Efeknya adalah penguapan lautan.

Its effect is the sea vaporation

Omission and Misformation


And water vapour to climb on into then cloud.

Penguapan air naik dan menjadi awan.

And the water vaporation climbs up and becomes the cloud.

Omission and Misformation


And heavy cloud form.

Awan tebal dibentuk.

And the heavy cloud is formed

Omission and Misformation


Rain is part to water cycle.

Hujan adalah bagian dari siklus air.

Rain is the part of water cycle.

Omission and Misformation


When the sunray shine sea and plants.

Ketika sinar matahari menyinari lautan dan tanaman-tanaman.

When the sunray shines the sea and the plants.

Omission and Misformation


When the air cools.

Ketika udara semakin dingin.

When the air is getting cool.

Omission and Misformation


Which falls ass rain.

Yang terjatuh menjadi hujan.

Which fall as the rain.

Omission and Misformation


Shape the island’s.

Bentuk pulaunya seperti.

The shape of the island is.

Omission and Misformation


Because ever greater longer volume of the cloude.

Karena jumlah awan yang lebih besar dan lebih lama.

Because of the greater and longer volume of the cloud.

Omission and misormation


So that sky become clouded.

Jadi, langit menjadi berawan.

So, the sky becomes cloudy.

Omission and misformation


Wind progressively unable to arrest

Angin menjadi tidak mampu menahan awan.

Wind is progressively unable to hold the cloud.

Omission and misformation


When ocean sunlight.

Ketika sinar matahari menyinari samudera.

When the sunlight shines the ocean

Omission and Misordering


Which happen evaporation the sea.

Yang terjadi dari penguapan lautan.

Which happened from the sea evaporation.

Omission and Misordering


Water sea.

Air laut.

The sea water.

Omission and Misordering


How happen the rain?

Bagaimana hujan terjadi?

How does the rain happen?

Omission and Misordering


The sunlight make the temperature of the sea be increased.

.Sinar matahari meningkatkan temperature laut.

The sunlight increases the temperature of the sea.

Addition and Misformation


So vapour water to return down that into the rain.

Jadi, penguapan air jatuh dan menjadi hujan.

So the water vaporation falls down and becomes rain.

Misformation and Misordering


Then happen soon moisture.

Kemudian segera terbentuk.

Then the moisture is formed soon.

Misformation and Misordering


Indonesia has between lays down 6oLU-11oLS.

Indonesia terbentang antara 6oLU-11oLS.

Indonesia lays between 6oLU-11oLS

Addition and Misordering


To go down sea is rain.

Hujan jatuh ke laut.

Rain goes down to the sea

Addition and Misordering